Sunday, August 23, 2009

the apartment!

i love our place. after a month of work on it (including a 2 week wait for our couch from IKEA - hate that place), it finally feels warm and home-y.

here's the room we share. my bed is the one that looks like a child's. kind of makes me feel small sometimes, but it works great, hah. notice the curtains we hung up, and the desk i made for myself on the right side :D

Here's the lovely living room - the homiest room, i think. Two couches, a red tapestry on one wall, a shelf we hung up on the other. AND, we have plants outside - basil, limes, peppers, mint(!) great.

Across from the living room - dining room and kitchen.

The kitchen! MAN, we have such a fully stocked kitchen. we could EASILY host community dinners here. if we had friends, haha :)

ok, well i don't know how to get this image to rotate, but this is my favorite cabinet of the kitchen. odd, i know, but it is so organized and match-y - a perfect example of our stocked-ness.

anyways, just a little tour of the place. feel free to visit us. you know you want to!


  1. Had fun reading your posts tonight! Keep posting your thoughts. I love blogging for that personally, but I love it possibly even more when I get to glimpse inside a far away friend and sister. I applaud your strivings towards creative expression! (And NICE apartment) : ) Best wishes for your internship. Sounds like a really awesome one.
