Tuesday, August 11, 2009

a belated goodbye

(I started this post over a month ago, and never finished it. But it's very pertinent tonight, especially, for me, and I need to finish what I have to say. Here goes.)

So, since I've only posted once in over three months, I guess it turns out blogging is harder than i thought. I've really had zero time since i started packing and saying my goodbyes to lawrence. it is hard to blog, but even harder to say goodbye to my home of four years. lawrence, i will miss you.

i have truly been blessed by my community there. it all started with the rock-a-hawk, the freshmen event at ku that brought me, nicole, and gibson together for the first time. from there, i met half of the manhattan high school class of '05 (not really, but the coolest 20 or so), and subsequently became Honorary Manhattanite (i will never, ever let that title go - keith and jeff). turns out they were all looking for a campus ministry, too, and so we stumbled upon ichthus, a revolutionary (at least to my Presbyterian, pastor-kid's mind) House Church that was seeking freedom of the holy spirit and intentional relationships - life together. since then it has been a crazy ride together and apart at different times, with new faces and old. it's been hard at times, and easy at others. my heart's been the fullest of joy, and seeped with grief, too. and what's most amazing to me is that such a
dynamic group, one that is full of transient students and travelers, people coming and going, can still feel like my solid family. i love you people, more than i can even begin to express.

Needless to say, it's been a hard transition away from that. I know it's only been three weeks, and friends will come in time, blah blah, but it has been hard to not be frustrated. Solely because of the fact that those relationships I am literally craving right now, are impossible to instantly satisfy. They
will take time. and it has been hard to get connected at this church, because those small intimate group meet-ups that we are checking out right now are only happening once a week. houston is a much bigger city than lawrence, and i can't say communal dinners are a 4-day-a-week thing here (yet)!

So i want to say (even if it's cliche): relish your community of close friends around you. you are blessed.

And (for the record): i
do have hope for myself and for katie; really for anyone that's lonely. God doesn't abandon.

And (from my spirit): i love you all in lawrence. i miss you, and miss daily life together. i don't know when life together will happen again for us, but i want to say thank you for that which we have shared already. and while i do daydream about the beauty of the lawrence hills, the ku campus, the downtown coffee shops and
maybe even miss the colder weather when it comes around (doubtful), it is really you people that are my home.

i'll hopefully be blogging more often. just got to get used to it. pictures to come...

actually, this is an especially funny post because i haven't told anyone that this blog exists yet :D
mass email: soon!


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